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The European Parliament and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Selected issues
Języki publikacji
The European Parliament is an institution with clearly limited competences in the area of the Union’s common foreign and security policy. However, this does not mean that it is separated from the policy in question. While the European Parliament does not in fact have any decision-making powers in the field of foreign and security policy, some organizational links with this area can be seen. They also include links with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, which have been made the subject matter of this article. The aim of the presented considerations is to identify and analyze the main formal mechanisms of the potential and actual influence of the EP on the office of the High Representative as the body responsible for programming and implementing the common foreign and security policy. In this context, the questions of the EP’s influence on the appointment and termination of the term of office of the High Representative, his information and consultation obligations towards the Parliament and the possibility of using EP’s legislative powers in its relations with the High Representative were analyzed.
Opis fizyczny
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