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The main aim of the article is to analyse expectations of entrepreneurs in the recruitment process of vocational schools graduates representing three countries: Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Questionnaire survey conducted in 2016 is confirming that the most crucial elements to which employers are paying attention at seeking the employee are the experience of the candidate and the ability to constantly learn and improve. Moreover, the most desired skills in the view of employers are communicativeness, self-reliance, teamwork and organisational skills. One should emphasise there is a competence discrepancy between companies representing the analysed countries. An example can be the level of ICT skills and knowledge of foreign languages. Potential employers from Poland and Latvia agreed that the candidate for work does not have to be fluent in another language, for example, English. A communicative level in their point of view is sufficient.
Opis fizyczny
- Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Zarządzania w Białymstoku
- Górniak, J. (red.). (2014). Kompetencje Polaków a potrzeby gospodarki polskiej. Raport podsumowujący IV edycję badań BKL z 2013 roku. Warszawa: PARP. [Competences of Poles and the needs of the Polish economy.]
- Jelonek, M., Szklarczyk, D., Balcerzak-Raczyńska, A. (2012). Oczekiwania pracodawców a pracownicy jutra. Raport z analizy kierunków kształcenia na poziomie ponadgimnazjalnym i wyższym wzbogacony wynikami badań pracodawców realizowanymi w 2012 roku w ramach III edycji projektu Bilans Kapitału Ludzkiego. Warszawa: PARP. [Expectations of employers and employees of tomorrow.]
- Wronowska, G. (2013). Oczekiwania pracodawców wobec absolwentów szkół wyższych w Polsce jako przykład bariery wejścia na rynek pracy. Prace Naukowe UE we Wrocławiu, Ekonomia, 305. [Expectations of employers towards HE graduates in Poland as an example of barriers to entry into the labour market.]
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Identyfikator YADDA