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Th e purpose of this article is to present research on transcendental future in the life of old people. Th is temporal period embraces the time from physical death to eternity. Th e research focused on the frequency with which old people think about death, the belief in „life” aft er death, the transcendental aims old people set themselves and the generalised attitudes concerning the future. 350 people participated in the research, including 119 men and 232 women in three age sub-groups of 60-, 70- and 80-year-olds. Th e research was based on a survey for measuring the future time perspective and the scale of attitudes towards the future, both in an experimental version. Th e results showed that the older people are, the more oft en they think about death. Half of the respondents in late old age revealed transcendental aims, such as meeting their loved ones or obtaining salvation. At this stage in life the attitude towards one’s own future changes from realistic to transcendental.
Opis fizyczny
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