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A Carinthian assessor’s "Vilia munera" for the archbishop of Salzburg Leonhard von Keutschach (BK 2674)
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Th e holdings of the Kórnik Library include a small parchment manuscript produced in 1495/6 as a gift from an assessor in the Carinthian bishopric of Gurk, Georg Unterburger, a doctor of both laws, for the newly elected archbishop of Salzburg, Leonhard von Keutschach. Th e codex is relatively richly ornamented – with gilding – and comprises three short works by the donator: Laudatory oration for the Inauguration of the Pontifi cate [Oratio demonstrativa], A Treaty on Sacraments [Traktat o sakramentach] with a short prologue, and a Poem [Carmen] in praise of the new archbishop. With his gift , Unterburger – as he openly announces – wanted to establish a client-patron relationship with the new archbishop. Th e paper briefl y presents both these fi gures against the background of the history of the Salzburg archdiocese analyses the Oration as an example of late-Medieval humanist rhetoric and, on the basis of the subsequent history of the manuscript, refl ects on whether Unterburger managed to achieve his goal. Th e paper is accompanied by the annotated edition of Oration, prologue of the Treaty and the Poem.
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