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The conducted research concerned the preparation of an instrumental method for the measurement of the fungitoxic value of wood preservatives against mould which could replace the heretofore applied subjective visual method. The measurement of light reflection with Zeiss photometres (Leukometers) and Zeiss Spekol 10 spectrometers with the Rd/0 reflectance adapter was treated as a new criterion of effectiveness. The method was tested on two fungicides: natrium pentochlorophenate and the WR-3 quoternary ammonium compound, used on samples of pine and birch wood. The results obtained with the method were better than those in the case of the visual method, albeit proved to be more time consuming. The proposed method appears to be useful for the elimination of subjective difficulties in the estimation of mould growth on the surface of the given wood, and hence for the estimation of the effectiveness of wood preservatives.
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Opis fizyczny
- Zakład Ochrony Drewna SGGW w Warszawie
- Zakład Ochrony Drewna SGGW w Warszawie
- Zakład Chemii, Fizyki i Fotografii Specjalnej ASP w Warszawie
- Zakład Chemii, Fizyki i Fotografii Specjalnej ASP w Warszawie
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