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LISTiG – Linguistically Smart Software System for Glottodidactics and Translation Didactics
Języki publikacji
In the didactic chain, the teacher influences the student with the help of specific utterances (here: texts) in such a way that the student develops the skills which constitute the aim of the (language or translation) competences. This means that in the process of (foreign) language and translation learning, texts constitute the key didactic material that enables the learner to develop specific competences. Thus, the didactic chain is characterised by interactivity that takes place between the teacher and the student. When dealing with the effectivisation of the didactic process, one can pose a question if – and if yes then to what a degree and with the help of what kind of didactic platforms (tools and software) – the "teacher-student" direct interaction can be replaced with the "didactic platformstudent" interaction, the latter being indirectly initiated by the teacher. The Internet didactic modules for the purposes of teaching languages and translation have been marked by a low degree of interactivity so far. The Linguistically Smart Software System is to enable an automatic assessment of all full sentences written by the students themselves, i.e. it is marked by a much higher degree of interactivity. The System consists of standard didactic modules concerning Polish-German linguistic issues, which can be used at Polish and German universities on a large scale in order to teach a given language and translation effectively.
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Uniwersytet Warszawski
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- ZWIERZCHOŃ-GRABOWSKA, E. (2009a), Teksty specjalistyczne w procesie glottodydaktycznym z wykorzystaniem Internetu, (w:) M. Kornacka, M. Górnicz (red.), Języki Specjalistyczne 9: Wyraz – Tekst – Interpretacja. Warszawa. 208–223.
- ZWIERZCHOŃ-GRABOWSKA, E. (2009b), Internet w procesie glottodydaktycznym, (w:) A. Waszczuk–Zin (red.), W kręgu problematyki technolektalnej. Warszawa. 428–463.
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