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Interest rates as a factor determining dynamics of investment in the Polish economy in the years 2004–2012
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In the present times changes in nominal categories play an increasingly signifi cant role in shaping business activity in the real sphere. The related literature analyses various channels of primary transmissions or secondary monetary impulses and their infl uence on decisions of individual economic entities. In these considerations particular attention is paid to cyclical fl uctuations in effective demand, above all for investment means, due to changes in interest rates of the central bank and commercial banks. The aim of this article is to examine the character of the infl uence of primary and secondary changes in interest rates on business activity related fl uctuations in effective demand for investment means in the Polish economy in the years 2004 – 2012. The presented analysis will be of theoretical and empirical nature. An indirect mechanism of the transfer of monetary impulses and their infl uence on fl uctuations in the dynamics of investments will be shown by the so-called credit (streaming) approach. A detailed subject of the analyses will be the time series which show investment expenditures in the Polish economy and interest rates of the central bank and commercial banks, determining interest on deposits of enterprises and investment credits incurred by them. Statistical data will appear in the quarterly profi les and selection of the period from quarter I 2004 to quarter IV 2012 was dictated by access to comparable time series in our country.
Opis fizyczny
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