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The Nordic Council as inter-parliamentary body for cooperation in the Nordic countries. A constructivist approach
Języki publikacji
The Nordic Council is the official body for formal inter-parliamentary co-operation among the Nordic countries, i.e., Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. It is deeply rooted in politics, economics and culture. It focuses on areas where a Nordic approach generates added value for the countries and nations of the region and affects the community of multiple countries around the world. The aim of the article is to analyze inter-parliamentary cooperation between Nordic countries and the Nordic Council influence’s on Nordic society. The author uses comparative methods to answer the question of how the Nordic Council proposals influence the Nordic societies and the rest of the world. In the article a constructivist approach is applied, which allows finding dependences between ideas or norms and the social identity in the Nordic region.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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