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Tadeusz Białecki and the Investigations of the West-Pomeranian Institute Concerning the German Democratic Republic
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Tadeusz Białecki was employed in the West-Pomeranian Institute when that institution had already established cooperation with scientifi c institutions of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). When he became Director of the Institute those contacts strengthened and turned into an important element of scientifi c works undertaken by the Szczecin academic community. The cooperation consisted in undertaking common research topics in the sphere of history, sociology, economics, culture. The height of that cooperation was in the 1970s, and resulted in many publications and numerous articles published in the Institute’s ‘West-Pomeranian Journal (Przegląd Zachodniopomorski). The topics undertaken were interdisciplinary in character, contributing to the pioneer research track at a nationwide scale. However, the proportion between the informative value and the propagandist element of those publications and their overall value still need analysing. The texts on the GDR read today are visibly full of political factors and in accord with the political correctness of the time, which distorted the presented image so much that those texts are just testimony to the times they were written, and at present they should be interpreted accordingly. On the other hand, it should be remembered that they constituted a basis for cooperation thanks to which it was possible to get access to the GDR’s archives, and in many cases without it writing about the history of Western Pomerania would hardly have been possible for Polish authors.
Opis fizyczny
- Białecki T., Szczecin – przystanek na całe życie. (Część 2. Wspomnienia z lat 1958–1975), Szczecin 2012Od Poczdamu do polsko-niemieckiego traktatu o dobrym sąsiedztwie i przyjaznej współpracy. Sąsiedztwo Polaków i Niemców w latach 1945–1991. Debata I, Szczecin 8 września 2010 r., na: les/DD490E5481EA4FB2A0782DDB068E07E2/Debaty%20Transgraniczne.pdf (dostęp 2.04.2013)Szczepańska A., Instytut Zachodniopomorski w Szczecinie 1991–1974, w: Monumenta manent. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana profesorowi Tadeuszowi Białeckiemu w 70. rocznicę urodzin, red. A. Makowski, E. Włodarczyk, Szczecin 2003, s. 285–294Ślepowroński T., Nauka i gospodarka Pomorza Zachodniego a północne okręgi Niemieckiej Republiki Demokratycznej (1949–1989) – zarys problematyki, w: Od Polski Ludowej do III RP w Unii Europejskiej. Pomorze Zachodnie 1945–2005. Materiały z sesji naukowej, 29 kwietnia 2005 r., red. K. Kozłowski, A. Wątor, E. Włodarczyk, Szczecin 2006, s. 179–213Ślepowroński T., Polska i wschodnioniemiecka historiografi a Pomorza Zachodniego (1945–1970). Instytucje – koncepcje – badania, Szczecin 2008
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