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2014 | 2 | 15-58
Tytuł artykułu

Analiza prawidłowości przedstawienia treści geograficznej na Wielkiej Mapie Pomorza Eilharda Lubinusa

Treść / Zawartość
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Analysis of the Correctness of the Geographical Contents in the Great Map of Pomerania by Eilhard Lubinus
Języki publikacji
It is the first attempt to analyse the correctness of representing the topography at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries in Lubinus’ Map. The main thesis of the article is an assumption that Lubinus while editing the map, in addition to his measurements, used the sketches and cadastral maps of the Pomeranian Duchy. Some selected fragments of the map verified the representation of the terrain. A few errors that have been identified are a source of valuable information on the map itself, and at the same time they have confirmed the proposed hypothesis. Besides, the article presents the measurement methods of the time, as well as the errors that might have influenced the results. A hypothesis has been formulated that Lubinus’ Map in the southern coastal zone of the Baltic presents an image of a lowered sea level resulting from the climatic cooling of the Little Ice Age. The source for this thesis is mainly the area of the Szczecin Lagoon (German: Stettiner Haff ) and the islands of Usedom and Wolin (German: Wollin).
Opis fizyczny
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