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The End of the Fifteenth-century Church in Łącza!
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The wooden church in Łącza (Upper Silesia) which was consecrated in 1490, burnt down on 30 January 1994. Although earlier records mention a church in Łącza in 1376 and 1447, they cannot be unambiguously connected with the building in question. The erection of the church could have taken place immediately prior to 1490 or completed in that year; the building could have also been constructed several or even more than ten years earlier. The time of its erection, therefore, is described as the period before 1490. The fire also destroyed all the historical outfittings of the church, composed of 47 items mentioned in the Catalogue ofHistorical Monuments ofArt in Poland. The only surviving objects are the statue of the Madonna and Child and four bas reliefs of St. Philip, John the Evangelist, Peter and Thomas Juda, part of a Gothic triptych from ca 1425-1430, which were displayed at an exhibition held in the Diocesal Museum in Opole. The loss of the church in Łącza is even more painful considering that each of the three wooden fifteenth-century churches in Upper Silesia, extant until recently, represented another type of Late Gothic wooden sacral architecture. Research into the regionalization of Gothic and Late Gothic sacral architecture in Poland disclosed the existence of four variants which were named after the regions in which they were found: Little Poland, Greater Poland, Silesia and Mazovia. The basic determinant of a particular regional variety, and within its framework of assorted types and variants, is the construction of the roof truss which influences the shape of the roof and the general appearance of the solid. The Silesian variety includes two simultaneously employed solutions (two types of solids). The church in Łącza contained a nave and a presbytery covered with doubleframed separate roofs whose distinctness was stronly marked by their differentiated heights (the higher one — over the nave and the lower one — over the presbytery). In the church in Książy Las (1494) two separate trusses are situated over the nave and the presbytery but the difference between their heights is slight; as a result, the different height of the two roofs also remains almost unnoticeable and is stressed only by a small decline of the two roof ridges. These two solutions originated in the Middle Ages and are typical also for Silesian wooden churches from later periods. The third church — in Poniszowice (prior to 1499) — should be discussed separately due to its different spatial configuration and certain connections with the Little Poland variant. Later additions to the church in Łącza (tower, ave-bell tower, arcades and choir, rebuilt in 1872-1873) did not obliterate its original form and solid, and remained legible. This was one of the few existing Gothic and Late Gothic wooden churches in Poland which retained the front elevation. Owing to the time of its construction and the shape of the solid, unique for the Silesian variant, as well as the partly folk „tone” of the carpentry work (i. a. the split log framework of the walls, and the the formation of the semi-barrel cover over the sacristy), the church in Łącza constitutes an important link in the history of Polish wooden architecture and in the history of Silesian culture. In order to fill the newly emergent gap on the cultural map of the country and the tourist map of Silesia, the Voivodeship Conservator of Historical Monuments in Katowice, the Polish ICOMOS Committee, Dr. Marian Kornecki in the name of the Cracow Branch of the Association of Historians of Art and the author of this article, in his capacity as an expert of the Minister of Culture and Art, propose that the church in Łącza be rebuilt with the application of original building material and technology.
Opis fizyczny
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