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2017 | 15 | 322-332
Tytuł artykułu

Polish popular science journals since the 18th century until the year 1939 (assumptions of a research project)

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The aim of the project is to monographically describe the history of popular science periodicals that were published on Polish lands until the year 1939. A collection of approx. 200 titles published in the Polish language, addressed to both adult readers as well as children and adolescents, published individually or as part of a publication will be analysed. It is planned to prepare a bibliography of periodicals, which will be the basis for conducting a multifaceted analysis of the studied phenomenon, in the designated time intervals and to detect the differences as well as the similarities that occur during these time periods. A hypothesis has been formed that these journals, that are an important element of permanent learning accompanying the recipient throughout his/her life, have been subject to transformation, both in terms of form and contents. By conducting the analyses, we aim to seek the general regularities that have shaped the popular science magazine market during the studied period, to indicate its determinants, trends, relations with the institutional and social environment and to demonstrate that their setting up was supported by patriotic, educational, practical and cultural making reasons. The starting point for the research will be to redefine the term "popular science journal", in order to eliminate terminology confusion. The next step will bet to create a database of bibliographic titles, which will be discussed in the context of press studies (quantitative development, publishing centres, frequency, publishers, durability, profile, circulation, pictorialness, internal structure) having in mind the political and pedagogical context, as well as the context of cultural studies and the study of science. The picked out typological groups and their main representatives will be described in detail. Studies concerning the evolution of the internal structure, the language and form of expression, the origins of the texts, layout, and the evolution of design as an important element affecting the reception of the presented contents as well as its typology, shall also be included. The phenomenon, namely the evolution of a popular science magazine’s shape, that is the transition from imitating foreign templates to creating one’s own model based on national material and collaboration with Polish scholars, will also be presented. The following methods will be used in the study: the bibliographic method (collection and verification of data), written and formal contents analysis (description of the individual titles and their categorization), methods used for the systemizing and interpretation of press photographs, compositional interpretation, a iconographic and iconological method of analysing a work of art, statistical techniques (comparative analysis). The aim of the project is to prepare a comprehensive analysis of the popular science periodicals of the chosen time intervals. The research results will determine not only the their quantitative development, their transformation in terms of form and contents, but also their functions and tasks in the changing political and social conditions on Polish lands. Acknowledgement of the popular science magazine as an information medium, will allow to acquire knowledge about the scope and coverage of the presented contents, the changes in understanding the essence of popularization and its functions and the level of program tasks implementation. The results of the conducted studies will interest media experts, bibliologists, cultural history scholars, historians of science and literary scholars. The conducted research will fill in a missing gap in the history of Polish press, it may contribute to undertake monographic studies of individual titles, since they have not so far been presented in a monography. This group of magazines is also ignored in comprehensive summaries on the history of Polish press. The faint interest of the researchers, and consequently a little progress being made, was primarily caused by the lack of basic research in the areas of registration and documentation, as well as the lack of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the studied phenomenon.
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