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My essay investigates a short passage of the Guhyasūtra—the longest, most detailed, and arguably youngest of the ‘Sūtras’ constituting the Niśvāsatattvasaṃhitā, being the earliest Śaiva Tantra known to us. This is formed by verses 1–22ab of Paṭala 12, which single out the soteriological means and goals specific to such scantily documented Śaiva groups as the Pāñcārthika Pāśupatas, the followers of the Pramāṇaśāstras, the Kārukas, and the Vaimalas. By categorizing such groups according to their emphasis on conduct, initiation, or gnosis, the text presents a taxonomy of the Atimārga as seen from the perspective of Mantramārga Śaivism. Having compared, and contrasted, this model to analogous ones found scattered over the extant literature of the Śaiva Mantramārga, I tackle the issue as to whether those taxonomies reflect actual social realities or are the result of post hoc systematising attempts by medieval authors.
Opis fizyczny
- Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, ISEAS
- Atharvavedapariśiṣṭa cf. Bisschop and Griffiths 2007.
- Gaṇakārikā (ascribed to Bhāsarvajña) = Gaṇakārikā of Ācārya Bhāsarvajña with the Ratnaṭīkā and four appendices. Ed. C. D. Dalal. Baroda: Oriental Institute of Baroda, 1966 [1920].
- Niśvāsakārikā
- (A) Devanāgarī transcript, IFP MS T 17, from a MS belonging to M.K.S. Bhattar Madurai; 188 leaves / 635 pp.
- (B) Devanāgarī transcript, IFP MS T 127, from MS GOML R. No. 16804; 506 pp.
- (C) Devanāgarī transcript, IFP MS T 150, from MS GOML R. No. 14403; 353 pp. e-texts (Roman) of the above transcripts, typed principally by S. A. S. Sarma and Nibedita Rout (T 17), R. Sathyanarayanan (T 127), Nibedita Rout (T 150) The verse and chapter numeration used in this article is that of the e-text of T 17.
- Niśvāsatattvasaṃhitā
- (1) Palm-leaf MS, early Nepalese ‘Licchavi’ script, NAK 1-227, NGMPP Reel No. A 41/14; 114 leaves.
- (2) e-text (Roman and Devanāgarī) prepared by Dominic Goodall, with the contribution of Diwakar Acharya, Peter Bisschop and Nirajan Kafle, from MS NAK 1-227, supplemented with readings from its two Devanāgarī apographs, MS 5-2401, NGMPP Reel No. A 159/18 and Sanskrit MS i.33 of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London. [Includes the Niśvāsamukha, Niśvāsamūla, Niśvāsottara, Niśvāsanaya and Niśvāsaguhya]. The verse and chapter numeration used in this book is that of Goodall’s edition in progress.
- Pañcārthabhāṣya ascribed to Kauṇḍinya
- (1) cf. Pāśupatasūtra.
- (2) cf. Bisschop 2009*.
- Pāśupatasūtra = Pasupata Sutras with Pancarthabhashya of Kaundinya. Ed. R. Anantakrishna Sastri. Trivandrum: The Oriental Manuscript Library of the University of Travancore, 1940.
- Mataṅgapārameśvarāgama = Mataṅgapārameśvarāgama (Vidyāpāda) avec le commentaire de Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇṭha Ed. N.R. Bhatt. Pondicherry: IFI, 1977.
- Matsyapurāṇa = Śrīmad-Dvaipāyanamuni-praṇītaṃ Matsyapurāṇam, etad pustakam Ānandāśramasthapaṇḍitaiḥ saṃśodhitam. Ed. H.N. Apte. Poona, 1981 [1907].
- Mr̥gendratantra = Mr̥gendrāgama (Kriyāpāda et Caryāpāda) avec le commentaire de Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇakaṇṭha. Ed. N.R. Bhatt. Pondicherry: IFI, 1962.
- Ratnaṭīkā ascribed to Bhāsarvajña cf. Gaṇakārikā.
- Vr̥haspatitattva = Wr̥ haspati-tattwa, an Old Javanese philosophical text. Nagpur: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1957.
- Saṃskāravidhi cf. Acharya 2007.
- Svacchandatantra = The Svacchandatantram; With commentary ‘Uddyota’ by Kṣemarājācārya. Ed. Vraj Vallabh Dvivedi. Delhi: Parimal, 1985.
- Svacchandatantroddyota of Kṣemarāja cf. Svacchandatantra.
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- Bisschop, P. 2009* Pañcārthabhāṣya; draft critical edition of Chapter 1, sūtras 1–47.
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