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2016 | 2 | 28-55
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The paper deals with protection against nuisances related to a construction of a building. The nuisances frequently take place and in connection with the increase of the density of buildings it is possible that they will become more burdensome. Protection against such nuisances may be realized at two levels: civil law and administrative. Civil law protection measures cover primarily a negatory claim and a claim for withholding the construction . Administrative law protection is possible under the provisions of the act on construction law, which enable the people living in the neighbourhood of the planned investment to participate in the proceedings concerning the construction permit and thereby provide proactive protection of their interest. Application of both civil law and administrative protection measures against nuisances related to a construction of a building is connected with difficulties: a misinterpretation of provisions, their unclear structure and a lack of legal regulation of certain essential issues like the administrative decision status in the civil proceeding. In the paper the focus is on the most important of the mentioned problems and presents the solutions.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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  • [6.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 06.06.2013, file no. II OSK 332/2012, Lex Polonica no 7515079.
  • [7.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 06.10.2010, file no. II OSK 1505/2009, Lex Polonica no 2514874.
  • [8.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 07.02.2008, file no. II OSK 2006/2006, Lex Polonica no 2476258.
  • [9.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 07.05.2013, file no. II OSK 2674/2011, Lex Polonica no 7518009.
  • [10.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 08.03.2005, file no. OSK 682/2004, Lex Polonica no. 3065369.
  • [11.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 10.01.2013, file no. II OSK 1644/2011, Lex Polonica no. 5186229.
  • [12.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 11.06.2013, file no. II OSK 362/2012, Lex Polonica no. 7515/086.
  • [13.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 13.10.2003, file no. IV SA 456/2002, IV SA 457/2002, IV SA 458/2002, Lex Polonica no. 365638.
  • [14.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 14.06.2012, file no. II OSK 508/2011, Lex Polonica no. 3960117.
  • [15.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 15.11.2007, file no. II OSK 1510/2006, Lex Polonica no. 2216066.
  • [16.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 16.11.2004, file no. OSK 786/2004, Lex Polonica no. 381800.
  • [17.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 18.01.2008, file no. II OSK 1878/2006, Lex Polonica no. 1967335.
  • [18.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 20.12.2013, file no. II OSK 841/2013, Lex Polonica no. 8200446.
  • [19.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 24.01.2012, file no. II OSK 2111/2010, Lex Polonica no. 3890879.
  • [20.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 24.01.2013, file no. II OSK 1772/2011, Lex Polonica no. 5176829.
  • [21.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 26.02.2013, file no. II OSK 2011/2011, Lex Polonica no. 5193373.
  • [22.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 27.03.2012, file no. II OSK 40/2011, Lex Polonica no. 3906436.
  • [23.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 28.03.2007, file no. II OSK 208/2006, Lex Polonica no. 1811108.
  • [24.]The judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of 29.01.2008, file no. II OSK 1955/2006, Lex Polonica no 1961957.
  • [25.]The judgement of the Court of Appeals in Gdańsk of 05.05.1995, file no. I ACr 175/95, Lex Polonica no. 314258.
  • [26.]The judgement of the Supreme Court of 04.07.1969, file no. III CRN 462/68, Lex Polonica no. 296536.
  • [27.]The judgement of the Supreme Court of 10.02.2004, file no. IV CK 454/2002, Lex Polonica no. 1633054.
  • [28.]The judgement of the Supreme Court of 16.12.1992, file no. I CRN 188/92, Lex Polonica no. 296416.
  • [29.]The judgement of the Supreme Court of 18.06.1998, file no. II CKU 6/98, Lex Polonica no. 335298.
  • [30.]The judgement of the Supreme Court of 22.11.1985, file no. II CR 149/05, Lex Polonica no. 296403.
  • [31.]The judgment of the Constitutional Court of 20.04.2011, file no. Kp 7/2009, Lex Polonica no. 2503043.
  • [32.]The judgment by the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Poznań of 10.11.2009, file no. IV SA/Po 500/2009, Lex Polonica no 2547836.
  • [33.]The judgment by the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw of 04.04.2011, file no. VII SA/Wa 86/2011, Lex Polonica no 2563301.
  • [34.]The judgment by the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw of 13.01.2011, file no. VII SA/Wa 1851/2010, Lex Polonica no 2510740.
  • [35.]The judgment by the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw of 31.01.2006, file no. VII SA/Wa 1298/05, not published., cited: B. Kurzępa, Prawo budowlane. Komentarz do ustawy i orzecznictwo, Toruń 2008, p. 235.
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