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Writers in advocates’ gowns. Literary rhetoric of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, Thomas Mann, Stanisława Przybyszewska and Jakob Wassermann in the polemical discussion about the trials against Rita Gorgon and Philipp Halsmann
Języki publikacji
The paper is an attempt to show the humanism of the writers who, in various texts (letters, articles and poems), took stance on the issue of the trial of Rita Gorgon, who was accused of the murder of her employer’s daughter, and the trial of Philipp Halsmann, who was accused of the murder of his father. Since these murders had not been fully clarified, the accused were not considered unequivocally guilty by the writers, which was a starting point for the postulate to lodge an appeal against the sentence.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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