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An essential element of the system of monuments’ protection is knowledge on their resources and condition. This information can be found in records of monuments. Within 25 years of its existence the Monuments' Documentation Centre has produced and developed model systems for monuments’ registering. Record cards of individual kinds of monuments are interlinked; they are of the same size and have the same columns. Moreover, they are adapted for the use in a computerized information system. . In its recording activities the Monument’ Documentation Centre follows the principle according to which recording of monuments must be regularly verified and updated. This, i.a., flows from the fact that criteria of the evaluation of monuments’ values get changed. Taking the above principle into consideration it may be said that the completeness of recording of different kinds of monuments varies. One of most comprehensive, although regularly updated, is the register of historic towns kept by Town Developing Department. It has been based on a preliminary recording of 1,264 localities carried out still in 1962-1963. The material from that period includes basic historic and demographic information as well as statistical registers of historic objects, characteristics of spatial a rrangements and illustrative material. These data were verified and updated in the seventies and eighties. The verification is continued. Town Developing Department collects also aerial photographs (black and white and colour ones) of towns, buildings and architectural complexes. This collection has become very useful in the work done by the team of experts of the Interbranch Commission for the Rehabilitation of Towns and Old- -Town Complexes. Another register carried out by the Monuments' Documentation Centre comprises structures and complexes of architecture and building. In a way it is made up of two parts: the so-called green cards produced during the recording done at the end of the fifties and the so-called white cards. Green cards cover ca 46,000 buildings. White ones, introduced in 1975, are more comprehensive when compared to green ones with regard to the descriptive information and photographic material. White cards (drawn by 1987) cover ca 30,000 objects. Along with the introduction of white cards work was initiated on a new register of monuments of architecture and building on index cards. This register provided abbreviated data on objects but it covered quite a big number of structures. Until 1987 nearly 260,000 index cards were prepared. The data written on them provided the basis for publications containing registers of monuments of architecture and building in individual voivodships. It also enables a statistical analysis of historic resources. In the last decade the Monuments’ Documentation Centre got engaged in the recording of archaeological properties. The programme for a complete register of archaeological sites available during surface studies (The Archaeological Picture of Poland) covers record cards, instructions, division into research sites, trainings, mode of financing and supervision of the studies made. It was developed in the Monuments’ Documentation Centre, which is its coordinator. By 1987 nearly half of Poland was examined and ca 136,000 archaeological sites were recorded. The register of movable property is a separate item. Department for Movable Monuments prepares ca 10,000 cards a year. It runs a central index of works of art and artistic crafts. Special attention is paid to those historic objects which are the subject of interest to a small number of specialists only and because of that the possibility to documentate them is rather small. This applies to goldsmithery, music instruments, textiles, vehicles et.c. The recording of movable property is combined with the making of dictionaries of specialized terminology, which are both a tool in recording work and an indispensable instrument for future computerization. An important place in recording activities of the Monuments' Documentation Centre is occupied by the compiling of information on museums. Museology Department compiles and updates an index of all museums in Poland. It also draws documentation on museum exhibits, microfilming of inventory books and scientific cards. The publishing of attainments of the Centre is the task of Publishing Department. It publishes 3 periodicals („Spotkania z Zabytkami” ,, „Ochrona Zabytkow", „Muzealnictwo” ), 3 series of „Biblioteka Muzealnictwa” and „Ochrona Zabytkow" as well as other publications (e.g. district registers of monuments). In implementing its tasks the Monuments' Documentation Centre cooperates with a number of organizations and scientific institutions such as the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Nicolas Copernicus University in Toruń, the Institute of Architecture and Engineering of the Technological University in Wrocław and others. This cooperation is very important for the work of the Centre. Summing up this brief outline of recording activities of the Centre it may be said that over 25 years of its existence it has been compiling records on historic structures, providing thus conservation service as well as people and institutions interested in the protection of monuments with information on the state and resources of cultural property in Poland.
Opis fizyczny
- mgr, Ośrodek Dokumentacji Zabytków w Warszawie
- W. K a l i n o w s k i, Raport o stanie i potrzebach ewidenc ji dobr kultury w Polsce. Warszawa 1977 (tekst powielany), s. 2;
- M. W i t w i c k i , Ewidencja miast zabytkowych. „Ochrona Zabytkow” 1966, nr 4, s. 33— 37.
- Zabytki urbanistyki i architektury w Polsce. Odbudowa i konserwacja. T. I. Miasta historyczne. Red. W. Kalinowski, Warszawa 1986.
- Materiały sprawozdawcze z badań zespołu pobenedyktyńskiego w Mogilnie. BMiOZ, seria B, T. LII, z. I, 1978, T. LX. Warszawa 1980.
- M. K o n o p k a , Archeologia w programie działania Ośrodka Dokumentacji Zabytkow. „Informator PKZ” , 1979 s. 63— 66.
- M. K o n o p k a , Archeologiczna służba konserwatorska w latach 1977— 1978.
- „Wiadomości Archeologiczne” 1980, z. 1, s. 107.
- H. J a n k u h n, Wprowadzenie do archeologii osadnictwa. BMiOZ, seria B. T. LXXIV, Warszawa 1983
- В. V o g e I, Kolekcja zabytkowych fortepianow Filharmonii Pomorskiej. Bydgoszcz 1987.
- M. L a s k o w s k a , B. P a w ł o w s k a -Wi l d e , Bibliografia zawartości wydawnictw muzeow w Polsce za lata 1973— — 1977.
- BMiOZ, seria B, T. LXXIX. Warszawa 1986.
- Muzea w Polsce. Informator. Oprać. J. Maisner-Nieduszyńska i B. Pawłowska-Wilde. Warszawa 1986.
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