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The Importance of Patent for the Economy
Języki publikacji
The aim of the article is to show that patent – the granting of a temporary monopolistic position, which is detrimental to the economic activity, since any legally sanctioned monopoly is an obstacle to economic development – in the long term may in fact have a positive impact on economic development. Growth is possible today only when the economy is strong and can succeed in the presence of global competition, i.e. the economy based on knowledge and innovation. The European Union, in principle, uses two instruments to increase innovation: competition policy and industrial policy. However, these policies often pursue divergent goals, as competition policy aims at an undistorted form of competition, whereas industrial policy distorts competition, through the support granted to selected entities and economic sectors. Another, equally important instrument, which also seeks to promote innovation and thus the competitiveness of the economy is patent, the granting of a temporary monopoly (a legally sanctioned monopolistic position). Despite all of its shortcomings, patent is important, since it fosters innovation and enables the spread of technology. On the other hand, the single European patent, if adopted, will increase legal certainty and facilitate access to goods and technologies by lowering costs.
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Opis fizyczny
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