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Aphasia and bilingualism
Języki publikacji
For many years, researchers have concentrated on two basic questions. The first concerns the nature of language representation – are bilinguals' two languages represented in distinct or overlapping areas of the brain. The second, in the neuropsychology of bilingualism, concerns the neural correlates of language switching, the areas that are active when bilinguals switch from one language to the other. Verbal behavior is realized simultaneously in three areas of reality: biological and physical reality (working of the speech production and perception systems), mental reality (functioning of an abstract sign system and grammatical rules), social reality (application of language rules, social rank of interlocutor and intentions of speaker). Men's verbal behavior is realized simultaneously in three areas of reality: biological and physical reality (working of the speech production and perception systems governed by brain centers), mental reality (functioning of an abstract sign system and grammatical rules in the mind), and social reality (application of language rules defining the ways in which texts are executed adequately to the situation, social rank of the interlocutor and intentions of the speaker). The aphasia requires data from numerous fields used for the diagnosis, clinical description and therapy. These fields comprise: neurology (organic and local diagnosis), psychology (functional diagnosis), linguistics (the description of linguistic behavior) and sociology (age, sex, social background, etc). Speech is a complex, structured and controlled process. The course of the successive stages of forming an utterance is controlled by linguistic knowledge, depending on the character of linguistic reflection, of two types: "the knowledge how..." (metalinguistic competence), and "the knowledge that..." (linguistic-competence). In conclusion, results point to the importance of factors such as social context, pre and post morbid language skills and systematic analysis of bilingual's languages in different communicative contexts as important factors in evaluating code switching. Research indicate clinical necessity of modifying existing methods of description and therapy to suit them the needs of bilingual aphasics, considering the heterogeneous nature of the phenomena.
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Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet im. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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