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Global Crisis of 2007-2009 in Orthodox Perspective: Selected Problems
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The Great Recession of the years 2007-2009 has been the most serious crisis of the current economic paradigm since the 1970s. The article calls for profound change in the aims and methods of monetary and fiscal policy. Changes are also necessary in economics itself. Substantial deficiencies of the orthodox school were already visible at the turn of the previous century with the bursting of the dot com bubble. Preserva¬tion of the status quo led to a series of unfavourable developments, e.g. global imbalances, excessive finan¬cialisation, growing income inequality and indebtedness, which prompted the global financial crisis in the late 2000s. The orthodox school seems to be hardly aware of these negative phenomena, or to draw false con¬clusions from them, which results in further erosion of the socio-economic situation in the world.
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