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The Use of X-ray Computer Tomography in the Examination of the Structure of Wood and Wooden Polychromies
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The CT-X tomography technique makes it possible to depict the inner construction o f spatial objects with a precision that permits the execution o f geometric measurements and a quantitative determination o f the density pattern. Owing to the fact that this is a non-destructive technique, it can be applied for examining unique objects such as works o f art. The author worked on a sixteenth-century polychromy linden sculpture and obtained information about: — the technological construction and damage o f the object, — the structure o f the w ood and the state of its preservation, — the effectiveness of the vacuum impregnation of old wood, — the effects o f other conservation operations. An examination o f samples o f several types o f wood enabled the author to establish the scale o f tomographic densities. He also attempted to define the possibility of employing CT-X tomography for dendrochronological measurements. The outcome o f the investigation proved to be extremely valuable for determining the state o f the preservation o f the wooden object, the selection o f a conservation programme and subsequent work. This method allows us to observe the dynamics and effects o f conservation operations. On the other hand, the achievement of valuable results in dendrochronological measurements depended predominantly on the parameters o f the samples. In the case of narrow-ring samples it balanced on the borderline o f the abilities o f the used apparatus (a PICKER SYNERVIEW S.E. medical tomograph from 1988). The basic problem, however, proved to be the lack of opportunities for a direct transference of the results to a generally accessible computer system. This fact adversely affected the precision o f the results and made impossible their complete presentation.
Słowa kluczowe
tomografia komputerowa w badaniach drewna
badania struktury rzeźb drewnianych
badania niewidocznej struktury wewnętrznej obiektów
rozpoznanie stanu zachowania materiałów
badania tomograficzne obiektów zabytkowych
badania dendrochronologiczne
badanie rezultatów zabiegu impregnacji strukturalnej
ocena efektów impregnacji
diagnostyka stanu zachowania rzeźb drewnianych
Opis fizyczny
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