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Methods of Making Wax Seals
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Seals o f this sor t w e r e made w ith stamps impr essed in a suitable plastic mass; the ir variety th r ou gh ou t centu r ie s remained con sid e rable . T h e au thor d iscusses assorted m e th od s o f p rod u c tion , taking in to con sid e r a tion ten seals from the municipal chancery o f Toruń from the 1 3 0 8 -1 7 9 4 period. Ensuing findings c on firm ed the d iffe r en tia tion o f seal masses — the earliest ex am p le w as made o f pure b e e sw a x . Subsequ en t masses con ta in ed n um e rous c om p o n e n ts and the b e e sw a x was su p p lem en ted by rosin and p igm ents. Green seals w e r e tinted w ith verdigris, and red o n e s — w ith a m ixture o f minium and v e rm ilion or the latter ingredient alon e .
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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