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The first part of the article synthetically presents the attitudes of the Old Testament Israelites to doctors and their work. It is an essential prerequisite for the de-piction of the innovative approach to the issue proposed by Ben Sira in Sir 38:1-3. The article is devoted to the exegetico-theological analysis of Sir 38:1-3. Even though the article is based primarily on the Greek text of the pericope, it takes into account its original Hebrew version as well. Ben Sira calls on the believing Israelites to completely change their perception of doctors and their activities. He encourages his readers not to reject doctors but to treat them with respect and reverence, and, indirectly, not to ignore the doctor’s efforts meant to restore health to the sick one. The sage justifies his novel approach with two arguments. First, doctors were created by God and given the task of aiding the sick in their suffering. They are a mere tool in God’s hands, for God is the only Doctor that can truly heal a person (this aspect is emphasized more by the Hebrew text than by its Greek counterpart). Secondly, doctors deserve respect for even kings and dignitaries benefit from their services and treat them with respect and reverence. In 38:1-3 Ben Sira offers a perfect synthesis of Israel’s traditional belief in God, who is the only doctor able to heal a person, with the Hellenistic influence related to medicine and people who engage in it.
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