Warianty tytułu
Rozwój elastycznych form zatrudnienia w Polsce i innych krajach Unii Europejskiej
Języki publikacji
The article discusses the flexible labour market, with particular emphasis on the application of unusual employment contracts. Flexible forms of employment are detailed by the Polish labour code, many of which, however, are still not used widely. This may be attributed to employers lacking information on the topic, as well as employees’ concerns about job security. While unusual employment contracts result in individuals earning less social security, more people are able to secure employment. Fixed-term contracts are the most commonly used form of unusual employment. They enable work from home thanks to the use of IT. This type of unusual employment is used still to a minor degree, but represents the future for many occupations and types of production and services. It has therefore been focused on here to a larger extent.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Mikroekonomii, ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland, waclawib@uek.krakow.pl
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