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'Giants' Mound, Swedish Graveyard, Confederates' Cernetery'. Maria Butrymówna Excavations (1897) ofBarrow Cemetery at Pakalniszki (N. Lithuania)
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The National Museum of Lithuania (Vilnius) and the State Archaeological Museum (Warsaw) have in their keeping ca 200 finds from an investigation made in 1897 by Maria Butrymówna of a barrowfield at Pakalniszki (Fig. 1), N. Lithuania (now Pakalniškiai, Panevėžio raj.). Basing on the original documentation from the site and the first publications (E. Majewski 1900; A. Spicyn 1902) the authors have reconstructed the original grave assemblages from Pakalniszki. Of two cemeteries identified at Pakalniszki one was a Roman Period barrowfield of the Letto-Lithuanian Barrow Culture the other, an Early Medieval flat burial cemetery (Fig. 2). The barrows were investigated in 19th/20th c. by Roman Szwojnicki, followed by Maria Butrymówna and Ivan Abramov. Contrary to some opinion the site was never excavated by Jonas Basanavičius; his research, referred by some authors to Pakalniszki, in reality was made at the cemetery near Raginėnai. In the first half of the 20th c. the site at Pakalniszki was lost to agriculture. During four days of investigation Maria Butrymówna excavated sixteen barrows containing graves from the Early Roman Period and also the modern period. Two grave deposits were exceptionally richly furnished. Barrow no. 3–a neck-ring with trumpet terminals (Fig. 4r.s); a triangular-footed brooch similar to type Almgren100 (Fig. 4p); two temple discs with ‘key-hole’ openings (Fig. 4c–e); a set of two reel-headed pins with a spool-shaped head with a set of pendants (Fig. 4f, 11); two cruciform pendants (Fig. 4a.b); a necklace of bronze circular and copper alloy cylindrical beads (Fig. 4g–o, 12); two solid bracelets with an ‘eye’ ornament (Fig. 10e); four slender bracelets of plano-convex se ction (Fig. 10a–d); a finger-ring of coiled wire (Fig. 13a–m). Barrow no. 11: two spiral discs (Fig. 5a.b); an imported enamelled brooch (Fig. 5c.d); a triangular-footed brooch similar to type Almgren 100 (Fig. 5f); bronze cylinders (Fig. 12); 20 crescentic ‘lunula’ pendants from a head ornament (Fig. 5g); a necklace of glass beads, bronze cylinders and openwork pendant (Fig. 5e, 6b–al, 12); sheet bronze appliqués (Fig. 6:a); two pins with a spool-shaped head with a full set of pendants (Fig. 7, 11); two solid ‘eye’ bracelets (Fig. 10e); two slender bracelets of plano-convex section (Fig. 10a–d); four finger-rings of coiled wire (Fig. 13a–m). Next to these two rich assemblages another neck-ring with trumpet terminals was recovered in barrow no. 15 (Fig. 9). Spiral discs are a form characteristic for Letto-Lithuanian Barrow Culture although their distribution in the southern part of the range of this archaeological unit is still poorly understood similarly as the lack of such finds in Latvia. Stylistically, spiral discs are quite uniform–nearly all are ornamented in the same way–with openwork zigzag on their perimeter or with pairs of scrolls, which only in two specimens known from the Stroked Ware Culture deposits was replaced by a series of knobs. Discs were typically worn in pairs, fastened to the headband or head-dress. The construction of the fastening differed depending on whether the ornament was worn at the right or the left temple. Spiral discs are thought to derive from discs with suspension loops known eg, from Kurmaičiai or Egliškiai. It is also possible that they developed with some stylistic inspiration from areas on the middle Volga, basin of the Vyatka and the Kama rivers, even, the foothills of the Urals. Basing on the assemblages from Sargėnai, grave 207, Paalksniai, barrow V, and a series of graves from Paragaudis (grave 2 in barrow III, grave 1 in barrow V, grave 1 in barrow XXVII) Spiral discs are placed in phase B2. Neck-rings with trumpet terminals have a broad distribution range across the eastern Baltic seaboard, from Mazury (Poland) to Finland. Most probably, they developed from Celtic ornaments. The neck-rings from Pakalniszki, are solid forms, relatively large, with ornamental terminals, classified to Michelbertas group II, characteristic chiefly for phase B2, although also noted in phase B2/C1, most frequently, in association with ‘eye’ bracelets, bracelets of plano-convex section, and eye brooches of the Prussian series. The youngest assemblage to produce a neck-ring with trumpet terminals was grave 197 at Veršvai but as the however the only such deposit it cannot serve as a basis for extending the dating of these ornaments. ‘Eye’ bracelets are a form distinctive for Letto-Lithuanian Barrow Culture, also noted in areas to the north of its range. In grave deposits they typically occur in association with neck-rings with trumpet terminals, eye brooches of the Prussian series, temple ornaments of coiled wire, and pins with a spool-shaped head, all of which places them within phase B2. Slender bracelets of plano-convex have a similar distribution range as ‘eye’ bracelets but their finds are more numerous in the northern area of the SE Baltic littoral. In grave deposits they are discovered most frequently in association with eye brooches of the main series, strongly profiled brooches, brooches similar to type Almgren 100, ‘eye’ bracelets, spiral discs, neck-rings with trumpet terminals, neck-rings with knob-shaped terminals, neck-rings with conical terminals, pins with a barrel-shaped head, and bracelets of plano-convex section; this places them in the Early Roman period, possibly, with some pieces continuing after the onset of the Late Roman Period. Pins with a spool-shaped head are a form characteristic mainly for the Letto-Lithuanian area, although they are also known from Prussian territory. Their finds are recorded in grave assemblages dated to phase B2 and B2/C1. Brooches similar to type Almgren100 enjoyed substantial popularity on Balt territory and that of the neighbouring Finno-Ugrians; they are a substantially mixed group. The finds from Pakalniszki find the only close analogy in brooch finds from Adakavas, Kėdainiai, Dauglaukis (grave 51), Skrzypy, and in specimens recovered by Massalitinov in the region of Kaunas. The form is dated quite reliably to phase B2, most probably, its younger stage. The imported brooch from Pakalniszki belongs in type Exner I.32, which corresponds to type Böhme 5:335. Sixteen similar brooches are known from Roman imperial territory and thirteen from the barbarian territory. The piece in question presumably originates from one of the Rheinish workshops. Exner I.32/Böhme 5:335 brooch finds in deposits are dated quite reliably to phase B2, however, a large number of these pieces lack context. Cruciform pendants recorded in Pakalniszki are quite unique. Their only analogies are pendants with five knobs but these are few and lack context to be dated more closely. Pendants with knobs are reminiscent of ‘Akmeniai’ pendants, inspired in their development by forms noted in Wielbark Culture, but have an earlier dating. Another unique piece is the openwork pendant which resembles to some extent pendants known from northern Latvia and Estonia in which area they are known from contexts dated to the Late Roman Period. The last on the list of non-typical forms from Pakalniszki are the ‘lunula’ pendants. They are an ornament typical for SE Baltic coast, but the specimens from Pakalniszki–solid metal, without openwork ornament or knobs on their terminals–are exceptional and have no direct analogies. The necklace beads from barrow 11 are type Tempelmann-Mączyńska 6, 8, 12, 91, 98, 99, 223, 287, 291 and 387, forms distinctive for Balt and Wielbark Culture environment. Finger-rings of coiled wire, bronze sheet appliqués, sheet bronze and wire cylinders are quite common forms. The Maria Butrymówna collection held by the National Museum of Lithuania includes a series of medieval finds (Fig. 3, 8, 13n–u, 14). It is not certain whether all of them were discovered at Pakalniszki, a part could originate from other sites. The set includes fragments of iron knives, a circular fire iron, and a leather fragment, a silver temple ring with an openwork bead, a bronze openwork bead, and a bronze key. The surviving documentation supports the validity of the reconstructed assemblages from Pakalniszki. Basing on the presence of unique forms which, at the same time, have a good diagnostic value, the chronology of the two grave deposits may be defined as the younger stage of phase B2, possibly, but less likely, the onset of phase B2/C1. Some of the finds from Pakalniszki testify to long-distance exchange with Roman Empire and with Finno-Ugrians.
Opis fizyczny
- Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa
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