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A Cemetery of the Przeworsk Culture at Sochaczew, woj. mazowieckie, in Central Poland
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The collection of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw contains a striking set of artifacts discovered by chance at Sochaczew, woj. mazowieckie (PMA, IV/9606) in a field known as “Poświętne” (Fig. 1, 2). The set in question includes: 1. A bottom of a bronze vessel, probably a bucket (Fig. 3c). 2. Three fragments of another bronze vessel (Fig. 3d). 3. A damaged bronze trumpet fibula with a support plate (Fig. 3b). 4. A bronze belt buckle in three fragments (Fig. 3a). 5. A bronze knife (Fig. 3g). 6. A bronze mount in the shape of an escutcheon with three rivets (Fig. 3f). 7. A fragment of a bronze wire twisted or folded from two elements, known only from an archival line drawing (Fig. 3e). The set reportedly contained another fibula, which did not survive. According to a spoken communication by the finders the described objects had been found in a vessel made of sheet bronze. Originally they probably were a part of an inventory of an urned grave. The same field “Poświętne also produced 37 fragments of Przeworsk Culture pottery (Fig. 5a–i). This supports an earlier information that cremation graves had been dug up on the site suggesting that Poświętne may have harboured a destroyed cemetery. The bronze fibula (Fig. 3b) represents type A.71 and is the principal dating element of the entire assemblage. Stylistic similarity of the fibula from Sochaczew to fibulae of type A.75 helps to date it to phase B1b, possibly, the very beginning of phase B2. The bronze belt buckle (Fig. 3a) corresponds to type AA10 acc. to R. Madyda-Legutko (1987) i.e., forms derived from elongated figure-of-eight buckles which occur in Central European Barbaricum in phase B1. Change of proportions seen in the buckle from Sochaczew as compared to other specimens of its type suggests that it may have a slightly later chronology (beginning of phase B2). Bronze knives similar in form to the specimen from Sochaczew (Fig. 3g) are known primarily from the western part of the Przeworsk Culture and from the area of present day Denmark. They are in evidence through the entire Roman Period, mainly in richly furnished graves. Their presence has been associated with high social and material status of the deceased; it is also possible that knives had a magical or religious function. The vessel, of which only fragments have survived (Fig. 3c), originally probably served as an urn. The diameter of the vessel bottom from Sochaczew indicates that it may have been a bucket or a cauldron; this is also true of fragments of the other bronze vessel (Fig. 3d). An exceptional object is the bronze mount in the form of an escutcheon (Fig. 3f). The only analogy known to the author is a loose find from the settlement at Jakuszowice, Little Poland (Małopolska) (Fig. 4). In case of both specimens there is no full certainty whether they are archaeological or historical finds. Analysis of the chemical composition of metal samples taken from individual items demonstrated that three: the fibula, belt buckle and knife were made of brass, almost identical in composition. The alloy used in the mounts from Sochaczew and Jakuszowice is a so-called lead bronze not used on Przeworsk Culture territory and neighbouring areas. The entire set of objects most of which probably were a part of an inventory of an urned cremation burial may be dated to phase B1b, at the latest the beginning of phase B2. Pottery fragments discovered in the field “Poświętne” (Fig. 5a–i) may be linked with the destroyed Przeworsk Culture cemetery, in use from the Late Pre-Roman Period until the Late Roman Period. Some 300 m to the south of the site numerous fragments of distinct pottery were discovered (Fig. 5j–p) indicating the presence of a settlement contemporary with the cemetery.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne, ul. Długa 52, 00-241 Warszawa
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