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The works of Czesław Miłosz are characterised by a complex approach to religion. His poetry demonstrates a multifaceted insight into transcendence. We can distinguish three types of such insight: 1) traditional insight seen as an appropriately modified understanding of the other world, in line with a relevant religious model; 2) ecstatic insight; and 3) unresolved confrontation with the terrifying Mystery. In Miłosz’s poems one can find descriptions of old age and the awareness of inevitable death as well as the related questions of What is it like to cross the boundary between life and death? or What is there on the other side? The answers come from images rooted in imagination, dreams and visionary states. As in shamanic ecstasy or in the altered states of consciousness, in which the subliminally processed content leads to the modification of the perceived reality – dreams, visions and fantasies underlie the understanding of the transcendental, and shape the religious image of the other world. Both the passage and the vision of the land on the other shore are presented in Miłosz’s poetry by the symbols which are recognisable, culture-bound, present in the sphere of sacrum and studied by the anthropology of religion. Currently, this borderland area is also of interest to a newly developed transpersonal psychology, whose principles are briefly presented in the article. What is striking is the consistency between the symbols generated by the unconscious with those which are the essence of religious experience.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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