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Quality management has become recognized as one of the key strategies for organizations to improve their productivity and competitiveness and it is necessary to teach employees quality disciplines. However, an analysis of literature indicates mixed success of quality improvement programs. By implementing organizational learning mechanisms, organizations can increase the capability of managing and utilizing knowledge. Such mechanisms allow the organizations to collect, analyze, store, disseminate and use the information that is relevant to the organization. This article discusses the success factors for organizational learning mechanisms which can help to plan and implement quality management programs more successfully. In particular, a six-phase process-based explicit knowledge management model is identified through analysis as the basis for successful preparation and implementation of quality programs. In this model, processes are implemented in sequence for the purpose of development of a quality program in an organization.
Słowa kluczowe
- Department of Management, Mykolas Romeris University, Ateities str. 20, LT-08303 Vilnius, Lithuania
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