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Planning the blue-green infrastructure by use of ecohydrological assessment of Pilsen’s micro-structures
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Although the blue-green infrastructure is a matter widely discussed in several disciplines such as urban planning, landscape architecture, water management, climatology and nature conservation, use of the term itself remains infrequent in Czech contexts and has no unanimous definition. Foreign sources also use compromise terms, such as blue-greengrey infrastructure, hybrid infrastructure and mixed infrastructure, which has to do with the fact that some elements of rainwater management imitate natural processes (e.g. infiltration and evapotranspiration) but, in fact, are implemented as artificial elements in accordance with technical standards. This example from the city of Pilsen presents a thematic analysis of planning documents related to blue-green infrastructure. As the analysis of Pilsen’s planning documents illustrates, tools for climate change adaptation and efficient use of rainwater are gaining ground and amenity functions of urban water (recreational, social, aesthetic, cultural) are supported in synergy of an ideal city sensitive to water. It is necessary to acknowledge that the objectives and tools of specific levels of water management in cities are cumulated in the course of events, meaning that they can be planned only with a multidisciplinary approach. In this respect, Czech practice is usually at the level of sectoral planning. Although the blue-green infrastructure is a matter widely discussed in several disciplines such as urban planning, landscape architecture, water management, climatology and nature conservation, use of the term itself remains infrequent in Czech contexts and has no unanimous definition. Foreign sources also use compromise terms, such as blue-greengrey infrastructure, hybrid infrastructure and mixed infrastructure, which has to do with the fact that some elements of rainwater management imitate natural processes (e.g. infiltration and evapotranspiration) but, in fact, are implemented as artificial elements in accordance with technical standards. This example from the city of Pilsen presents a thematic analysis of planning documents related to blue-green infrastructure. As the analysis of Pilsen’s planning documents illustrates, tools for climate change adaptation and efficient use of rainwater are gaining ground and amenity functions of urban water (recreational, social, aesthetic, cultural) are supported in synergy of an ideal city sensitive to water. It is necessary to acknowledge that the objectives and tools of specific levels of water management in cities are cumulated in the course of events, meaning that they can be planned only with a multidisciplinary approach. In this respect, Czech practice is usually at the level of sectoral planning. As one of the approaches to blue-green infrastructure planning, this article presents a methodology of ecohydrological assessment of urban landscape micro-structures. The categorization of spatial units is based on possible stipulation of several parameters of ecohydrological characteristics for types of elementary areas (e.g. infiltration, evapotranspiration, outflow) and other parameters for functional spatial units called micro-structures (such as typical levels of outflow contamination and climate characteristics). These parameters can be based on the standardization of values, so expressing reference values for regulations, e.g. greenery coefficients such as the Biotope Area Factor for new housing development. At the level of urban landscape micro-structures, water management can be better arranged in decentralized units than in elementary areas. A model study on the centre of the city of Pilsen has delimited 481 micro-structure units of various types. Besides absolute comparison, ecohydrological classification makes it possible to discern quality of micro-structures of the same type, e.g. in order to identify where improvements are needed in the blocks of Pilsen’s city centre. The maps show different ecohydrological characteristics of street corridors in whole street profile because they are analysed as independent units, separate from the blocks. The accuracy of the classification of micro-structures depends on the quality of input data and can form the basis of plan-based development of blue-green infrastructure.
Přestože se o tématech modro-zelené infrastruktury u nás diskutuje v rámci různých oborů, nemá tento termín v praxi zatím jednotné vymezení. Jak ilustruje rozbor plánovacích dokumentů Plzně, aktuálně se v této souvislosti prosazují nástroje adaptace na klimatickou změnu a efektivní využití dešťové vody, často ve vztahu k veřejným prostranstvím. Jako jeden z přístupů k plánování modro-zelené infrastruktury je představena metodika ekohydrologického hodnocení mikrostruktur městské krajiny. Kategorizace územních jednotek vychází z možností stanovení některých parametrů ekohydrologických vlastností pro typy elementárních ploch a dalších parametrů pro funkční prostorové jednotky, které nazýváme mikrostruktury. Použití této metodiky ukazuje modelové zpracování centrální oblasti města Plzně, kde bylo vymezeno a hodnoceno 481 jednotek mikrostruktur různých typů.
- Faculty of Economics, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
- Faculty of Economics, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
- Faculty of Economics, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
- Faculty of Natural Science, Palacky University in Olomouc
- Faculty of Science, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem
- Faculty of Science, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem
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