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HR Managers in Interorganizational Networks: A Case Study of a Public Organization
Języki publikacji
Both the effective functioning and organization of the public sector has become one of the major areas of activities performed by the State and those in authority. Change to the current approach for managing organizations providing public services poses challenges for human resources management. Many public policies and programs aimed at the practical implementation of the concept of sustainable development (including HRM) are currently being implemented as a result of agreement among public organizations in the form of partnerships, defined as a manifestation of the concept of networks in action [Herranz, 2007: 1–31]. The main objective of this paper is to analyze literature on the role and importance of human resource management in effective local partnerships understood as a network as well as to indicate the need for leadership that emerges from this analysis. The study was conducted in 2010through a questionnaire based on the partnership self–assessment tools proposed by the Local Audit Commission (UK). The results may help create an outline of tasks that should be undertaken in the field of HRM in modern public organizations.
Opis fizyczny
- University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Economics, Department of Public Management & Social Science, Poland
- University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Economics, Department of Public Management & Social Science, Poland
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