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The energy potential of municipal solid waste landfills receded into the background compared to more traditional sources of energy. Such possibilities as landfill degassing, as well as extraction of thermal energy from the depths of landfills, were little-researched, due to being kind of risky phenomena for their wide application. Currently, the energy system of Ukraine is under the risk as due to the military actions – objects of critical energy infrastructure have become the easy targets for the enemy. About 53 mln m3 of household waste were generated in Ukraine in 2021. Over 10 mln tons were buried at 6000 of landfills, total area of which accounts for 9000 hectares. The energy potential of these waste was used ineffective. Only 28 landfills of total have the degassing system established. The case of using landfill gas as an energy source lies between such challenges: the increasing amount of MSW, proper waste management and the energy crisis in Ukraine caused by the shellings. Landfill spreading throughout the country makes it possible to operate safely and reduce the risk of bringing any significant damage to such infrastructure. The study was focused on the Sumy City landfill, the potential of which is estimated as 36397 m3/t of solid waste. The degassing system was designed based on the methodology of State building regulations of Ukraine. Analysis of the efficiency of the system was done, including the potential energy output as a result of operation of such a system which comes paramount in dealing with the imperative of soaring amount of MSW, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and producing green, cheap energy. The negative impact of MSW landfills on the environment is beyond all dispute so it is crucial that their potential be used at full capacity.
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Bibliogr. 53 poz., rys., tab.
- Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies, Sumy State University, Kharkivs’ka St, 116, Sumy, Sumy Oblast, 40000, Ukraine, iryna.vaskina@up.poznan.pl
- Department of Biosystems Engineering, Poznan University of Life Sciences, ul. Wojska Polskiego 28, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
- Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies, Sumy State University, Kharkivs’ka St, 116, Sumy, Sumy Oblast, 40000, Ukraine, d.hopkalo@ecolog.sumdu.edu.ua
- Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies, Sumy State University, Kharkivs’ka St, 116, Sumy, Sumy Oblast, 40000, Ukraine, r.vaskin@ecolog.sumdu.edu.ua
- Department of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, ul. Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland, patrycja.pochwatka@up.lublin.pl
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