Warianty tytułu
Digital Map of Poland at a scale of 1:200 000
Języki publikacji
Praca opisuje Cyfrową Mapą Polski w skali 1:200 000, która została opracowana w Zakładzie Kartografii. Przedstawione są założenia, struktura, zawartość i możliwości zastosowania opisanej mapy.
Authors discuss in the article problem of creating digital base map, which will enable to ąuickly acąuire cartographic bases with diversified territorial extent and with various degrees of detaiłness. In Poland there is a problem of creating cartographic base, especially for preparation of thematic maps in regional and country scalę, as one can face inhomogeneous cartographic projections, inadeąuacy of scales of the existing topographic maps, as well as necessity of adding to the cartographic base suitably selected topographic content. In practice costs of creating cartographic base are the major part of total costs related to preparation of thematic maps and usually they are paid every time. Preparation of model of digital base map eliminates this situation and creates conditions for proper functioning of spatial information systems. The main assumption in preparing Digital Map of Poland was to create universal product, which could be used by a wide rangę of users, having diversified needs related to detaiłness of the used base maps, with various cartographic projections and working in different computer systems. Assumptions, structure, content and possibilities of using Digital Map of Poland are described in the article, as well as examples of its application.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 3 poz., il.
- [1] Podlacha K., Rudnicki W., 1997, Podkład kartograficzny mapy gleb marginalnych Polski w skali 1:200 000. Materiały PBZ-89-02. Biuletyn nr 2, IMUZ Falenty.
- [2] Podlacha K., Rudnicki W., 1998, Koncepcja formy graficznej map tematycznych generowanych z bazy danych o glebach marginalnych. Materiały PBZ-89-02. Biuletyn nr 3, IMUZ Falenty.
- [3] Podlacha K., Rudnicki W., 1999, KOREFERAT. Tymczasowe warunki techniczne opracowania i wydania mapy topograficznej Polski w skali 1:100 000. Warszawa 18 listopada 1999 roku.
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA