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The influence of volatile content on hard coal sorption properties and on the probability of gas and rock outbursts
Języki publikacji
The classification of gas and rock outburst hazard based on the volatile content of coalis assessed. The complexity of gas and geodynamic hazards, and of the geological and mining conditions of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, make it difficult to effectively assess the gas androck outburst. Safe mining operations in coal seams prone to outbursts should be based on specified analyses of gas, geological and mining conditions, and consider the coal characteristics, including the volatile content and sorption properties. An original method for determining the adsorption isotherm is described: it allows for more precise determination of methane pressure, and of the possibility of gas accumulation at higher pressures. A coal classification is developed based on the volatile content(Vdaf) in relation to the possibility of a gas-geodynamic phenomenon.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 27 poz., tab., wykr.
- Centralne Laboratorium Pomiarowo-Badawcze Sp. z o.o., ul. Rybnicka 6, 44–335 Jastrzębie–Zdrój, mdreger@clpb.pl
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