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This study aims to identify and analyse critical success factors (CSFs) for an organisation aiming for a resilient supply chain. The methodology followed is the systematic analysis of big databases, such as Emerald, Science Direct, and Taylor & Francis, by using a specific set of keywords for filtering. The systematic literature review leads the author to the exploration of several CSFs, followed by their prioritisation by using principal component analysis. The paper highlighted eleven vital CSFs: top management commitment, development of an effective SCM strategy, logistics synchronisation, use of modern technologies, robust information and communication technology, information sharing with SC members, collaborative partnership, improved forecasting, trust development in SC partners, collaborative partnership, strategic partnership, development of reliable suppliers, continuous improvement in the preparedness and response practices, capacity building and training and staff development. The CSFs highlighted in the paper relate to all small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This paper identifies the CSFs for developing a resilient supply chain that is comprehensive and has the potential to address uncertain circumstances. This work is the first of its kind on CSF assessment and categorisation in resilient supply chains.
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Bibliogr. 109 poz., tab., wykr.
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