R. 101, z. 2-A
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River in city's urban composition
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Each river's town has an individual character consisting of some elements of the natural and cultural environment, elements which shape the city's landscape. The river is one of the fundamental elements which influences and decides on the urban composition of the city. Essence of this composition depends on the dual understanding of the two so different spaces like: a water and a land. Suitable composition of the riverside space exposes natural elements as well as architectural and urban connections, leads to creation of the unique urban riverside arrangements. Stress the value of the cities' skylines and views from the rivers landscape culminating point as well as the inside and the outside city view point, also the possibility of enriching the city composition by adaptation such an urban means like opening and closing view, the composition axles, the dominants which underline character of the rivers places, all of them influence of the city composition. The main aim of this article is a trial of defining the grade of the river's influence on the crystallizing the riverside city composition, consideration the river's role on the shaping the landscape, urban-landscape and urban rivers interior and at last bring near some of the composition means which underline the character of the place.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 23 poz., il.
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