Warianty tytułu
Surface deformations of the Wanda Mound in Kraków in the light of geodetic surveys
Języki publikacji
The Kraków mounds are a group of monumental historic earthen structures, subdued to mass movements, where the dominating type of movements is downhill creep, and in extreme cases, landslide. The subject of the analysis of geometric changes is the Wanda Mound in Kraków. It was formed from less-like soils obtained from the vicinity, with unfavourable physico-mechanical characteristics. Unlike other monumental mounds in Kraków, it has not been correctly secured. It has constantly been subdued to external factors (atmospheric conditions, tourism), and it is subject to continuous uneven deformations. Carriedoutsince2013, regular geodetic studies have allowed us to define the kinematics, which is a necessary condition for future work on efficient methods of the prevention of mass movements in this type of earthworks. The article presents the results of surveying carried out in 2013-2022, based on the network of control points permanently stabilized on the surface (measurements based on discrete points) and the characteristics of changes in the surface (of significantly increased number of points) based on measurement profiles (measurements with the application of robotic total stations), using mathematical and information tools, allowing us to convert point models into continuous models representing real geometry of an earth monument in the possibly most accurate way.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 31 poz., fot., tab., wykr.
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