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Purpose: The purpose of this article is to characterize the activity and establish the potential of business environment institutions (BEIs) in terms of supporting the innovativeness of enterprises in Poland. The business environment institutions are a group of entities offering consultancy, training, information and financial aid to businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This aid is necessary for the implementation of innovative processes and the development of enterprises. Design/methodology/approach: This paper utilizes subject literature studies, statistical data analysis, results of own research and observation of the economic practice. Findings: Based on the results of primary and secondary research, one can claim that cooperation between enterprises and business environment institutions leads to increased innovativeness of the former. The shrinking number of business environment institutions, reduction of their activity and clustering in more developed regions and cities, all of which have been happening in recent years, pose a great threat to the support small and medium-sized enterprises are able to receive for the implementation of innovative processes. Research limitations/implications: It would be worthwhile to learn the up-to-date opinions of entrepreneurs concerning pro-innovation support provided by business environment institutions. Practical implications: There is a need for wider cooperation between entrepreneurs, local authorities and business environment institutions for sake of building appropriate ecosystems to support the innovativeness of enterprises. The business environment institutions are a key part of such ecosystems, yet their presence in the implementation of innovative processes within small and medium-sized enterprises is insufficient. Originality/value: Study expands the knowledge about activities supporting the innovativeness of enterprises being carried out in Poland by business environment institutions.
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