Vol. 54, nr 2
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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to present the results of the author’s own investigations concerning heat and surface treatment of Mg-Al-Zn magnesium alloys. Design/methodology/approach: The test results presented concern the characteristics of synergic heat and surface treatment impact on the structure and properties of Mg-Al-Zn cast magnesium alloys. The surface treatment of the magnesium alloys was carried out with the use of chemical and physical deposition methods from PA CVD and CAE PVD gas phase and laser surface treatment, including in particular laser feeding of hard ceramic particles into the surface of materials produced, enabling the production of a quasi-composite MMCs (Metal Matrix Composites) structure. The tests of the surface and internal structure of materials with the use of macro- and microscopic methods were made with the use of light, transmission and scanning electron microscopy as well Raman spectrometry and X-ray phase analysis. The physical and mechanical properties of magnesium alloys after the standard heat and surface treatment operations were tested by methods appropriate for the properties. Findings: The results of mechanical and functional properties measurements of heat treated samples confirms, that the performed heat treatment, consisting of solution heat treatment with cooling in water, as well aging with cooling in air, causes strengthening of the MCMgAl12Zn1, MCMgAl9Zn1 and MCMgAl6Zn1 cast magnesium alloys according to the precipitation strengthening mechanism, induced by inhibition of dislocation movement due to the influence of strain fields of the homogeny distributed y-phase Mg17Al12 precipitates. The combination of properly chosen heat treatment with the possibilities of structure- and phase composition modeling of the magnesium alloys matrix using laser feeding provides an additive increase of mechanical and functional properties by significant grain refinement and production of micro-composite layers with homogeny distributed dispersion phases particle and characteristic zone structure. Increase of mechanical and functional properties of the investigated alloys is also possible by creating coatings on the surface from the gas phase. Practical implication Achieving of new operational and functional characteristics and properties of commonly used materials, including the Mg-Al-Zn alloys is often obtained by heat treatment, ie, precipitation hardening and/or surface treatment due to application or manufacturing of machined surface layer coatings of materials in a given group of materials used for different surface engineering processes. Originality/value: The originality of this paper consists in the presentation of a very extensive knowledge related to the methods of structure and properties forming of the surface of Mg-Al-Zn alloys, supported by the results of wide author’s research.
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Bibliogr. 68 poz., rys.
- Silesian University of Technology, ul. Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland,
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