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2010 | Vol. 10, iss. 4 | 29--34
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Problems of scientific and development research concerning the reclamation of used foundry sands

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In traditional technologies of casting moulds and core production on the basis of high-silica sands with binding agent addition, the reclamation consists mainly of a sand recovery and very seldom of a sand and bentonite recovery. Analysis of data from several countries indicates that from 600 to 1200 kg of fresh sand is used for 1 tonne of ferrous casting alloys. In Poland it is 1000 kg of sand for 1 tonne of castings [1]. Out of this amount approximately 20% of fresh sand is used for core production and the remaining amount for rebounding moulding sands. Analysis of data from 20 largest Polish foundries, performed in 2004 [2] indicates that approximately 50% of waste foundry sands is reclaimed while the rest is directed to dumping grounds. Taking into account all remaining foundries it can be estimated that approximately 250-350 000 tonnes of waste foundry sands are sent to dumping grounds annually. Important issue are costs of storage, which depend on the kind of wastes and on the ownership form of dump-sites (municipal dumping grounds, plant’s or own [belonging to the foundry]) as well as on their relation to the costs of purchasing fresh sands. Average charges for storage of moulding sands wastes on storage yards in Europe are within the range: 12.5 to 61 Eu, which means from 85% to above 400% of purchasing costs of 1 tonne of fresh high-silica sand. The contractual price accepted for such sand in the BREF UE document [3] is 14.56 Eu. Problems of scientific and development research concerning the reclamation of used foundry sands can be systematised according to the research fields and the actual state of knowledge - based on the analysis of scientific papers.

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Bibliogr. 42 poz., tab.
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  • AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Reymonta 23 str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  • AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Reymonta 23 str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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