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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to show the implementation progress of Agenda 2030 in Poland as the basic document related to making the sustainable development concept a reality. Design/methodology/approach: This article describes and characterizes selected indicators monitoring the national priorities of the 2030 Agenda, divided into three aspects: economic, social and environmental. The analysis was carried out based on two reports: Report 2020, Report 2022, Poland on the path to sustainable development. Findings: The article shows that the implementation of the provisions of the 2030 Agenda in Poland is at a good level, but indicators monitoring social and economic issues show that changes in these areas are more favorable than in the environmental area. Research implication: Considerations regarding the implementation of the assumptions of the 2030 Agenda may be continued in the future in relation to the subsequent years of operation of this document in relation to both Poland and other countries for comparative purposes. Originality/value: The study covers all three aspects of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental, and presents an analysis of the latest data related to the implementation of the assumptions of the 2030 Agenda in Poland.
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