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The manuscript focuses on the subject of environmental solutions for maritime ships. With the increasing volume of cargo transported by sea, it is crucial to minimise its environmental impact. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has introduced new regulations in recent years to limit environmental damage. IMO’s initial strategy for reducing GHG emissions from ships aims to reduce GHG emissions from vessels by 50% by 2050 and CO2 emissions by 70% compared to 2008 (Resolution MEPC.304 (72), 2018). This has prompted ship owners to seek solutions to reduce fossil fuel consumption. The study aims to determine the feasibility of using eco-friendly solutions in maritime shipping to meet the challenges and needs of sustainable maritime fleet. Own contribution includes expert findings, which evaluate individual solutions and their potential uses in global maritime fleet. The publication also highlights the current usage of eco-friendly solutions on ships as well as crew and ship owner attitudes towards their future use and presents conceptual solutions. It should be noted that the subject-matter addressed in this paper is topical and very important in view of the limitations being introduced in respect of environmental standards. The manuscript focuses on the subject of environmental solutions for maritime ships. With the increasing volume of cargo transported by sea, it is crucial to minimise its environmental impact. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has introduced new regulations in recent years to limit environmental damage. IMO’s initial strategy for reducing GHG emissions from ships aims to reduce GHG emissions from vessels by 50% by 2050 and CO2 emissions by 70% compared to 2008 (Resolution MEPC.304 (72), 2018). This has prompted ship owners to seek solutions to reduce fossil fuel consumption. The study aims to determine the feasibility of using eco-friendly solutions in maritime shipping to meet the challenges and needs of sustainable maritime fleet. Own contribution includes expert findings, which evaluate individual solutions and their potential uses in global maritime fleet. The publication also highlights the current usage of eco-friendly solutions on ships as well as crew and ship owner attitudes towards their future use and presents conceptual solutions. It should be noted that the subject-matter addressed in this paper is topical and very important in view of the limitations being introduced in respect of environmental standards.
Opis fizyczny
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa nr SONP/SP/546092/2022 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2024).
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