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19th KKMGiIG
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This technical article presents the influence of sample quality on the compressibility parameters and undrained shear strength (cu) of soft soils from the Vistula Marshlands. The analysis covers: (1) quality of soft soil according to three criteria: void ratio (Δe/e0 index), volumetric strain (Δɛv) and Cr/Cc ratio; (2) influence of storage time on quality; (3) influence of sample quality on undrained shear strength (cu), and (4) reliability of compression and undrained shear strength parameters estimation. The sample quality of three different soft soils (peat, organic clays, and organic silts) was investigated using dataset of geotechnical investigations from the Vistula Marshlands. The reliability of oedometer tests and compressibility parameters determination was shown. Different undrained shear strength estimates (from lab and field tests) were juxtaposed with sample quality. In situ estimates of undrained shear strength were compared with results of triaxial tests and direct simple shear test on reconstituted samples as well as SHANSEP estimates. The results of research are grouped in seven lessons. The most important outcomes are: (1) the quality of samples is at best moderate or poor and there is no significant influence of storage time on sample quality, (2) regardless of testing method, the undrained shear strength natural variability of the Vistula Marshlands soft soils is between 20% and 50% depending on deposit depth and soil type, (3) the most accurate estimation of undrained shear strength can be obtained from field vane test (FVT) while unconsolidated, undrained compression (UUC) triaxial tests should be avoided, (4) SHANSEP approach can be considered as a valuable estimate of cu (next to the FVTs), which additionally allows in relatively easy way to establish lower and upper bounds of cu.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 64 poz., rys., tab.
- Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering; Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Gdańsk, Poland, jakub.konkol@pg.edu.pl
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