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Purpose: The cross-sector partnership (CSP) is an increasingly more frequently and widely described phenomenon presented in various areas and perspectives. This variety of approaches causes conceptual chaos, so it is worth creating a systematic review of scientific theories that categorize this phenomenon. This paper aims to synthesize knowledge about theories to describe CSP and to show their location in management sciences. Design/methodology/approach: The article uses a systematic literature review based on the SCOPUS literature database. As a result of the terms and synonyms search, 8317 articles regarding the concept of CSP have been identified. After applying specific search restrictions, e.g., article type, year of publication, business, management, accounting, etc., 392 articles were identified. The above considerations indicate a significant, disordered research gap in this area. After reviewing the content, 194 referred to the CSP. After reviewing the content, 194 articles referred to the CSP, while the analysis of abstracts of mentioned 392 articles brought 194 which were strictly related to the CSP Then, in the course of the above analysis, the author noticed that 36 items in the database reference to scientific trends, of which 34 articles are widely available after analyzing the content of 34 available after analysing their content relating to the location of CSP within the selected theories. There is no clear indication of which theories describing the CSP phenomenon are the broadest and the most reliable, complete, appropriate, etc. Findings: This article identifies the following conclusions. All authors in the analyzed articles agree that there is no one "universal" theory describing CSP. The next conclusion is most of the "applied" theories through the prism, which described the phenomenon, are in scope of the management science (MS) (28 articles out of 34 analysed) The most common theories cited by the authors are Resource based view theory, Agency theory, Resource-Based theory, Institutional theory, Effectuation theory, and Value Creation Theory. In the author's opinion, the scientific achievements in this area should be constantly monitored, as this may facilitate the description of the CSP phenomenon.
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