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Purpose: Temporary teams are created to perform a specific task, e.g., to implement a project or solve a problem. They are dissolved when the goal is achieved or the set time has elapsed. The study's primary purpose was to identify the most critical challenges managers should pay attention to manage temporary teams effectively and fairly. Design/methodology/approach: The study covered 110 managers from medium and large enterprises - all having practical experience in the functioning of temporary teams. The study adopted a modified Colquitt scale and used the importance-performance analysis technique. Findings: Factors influencing the sense of fair treatment among participants of this type of team were identified. Experienced managers assessed: the impact of each of these factors on the success of the temporary team and the degree of difficulty involved in providing each of these factors. On this basis, eight challenges for managers have been identified, i.e. factors which, on the one hand, are very important and, on the other hand, difficult to ensure. Research limitations/implications: The potential limitation of the study concerns the fact that it covers enterprises from the high-tech industry. Employees of public organizations or other industries may perceive justice differently. The research considered two variables that may affect the success of temporary teams' work. A different type and/or a more significant number of variables may contribute to a better understanding of this issue and the holistic approach. Elements related to relations, as well as ethical and moral issues, are worth paying attention to. It seems that the last ones belong to the commonly emphasized matters; hence they can be perceived as functioning, obligatory, and as relating somewhat to the individual leaders-team members relations, while those seen as more difficult as relating to relations within the group or between the leaders and the whole group. Originality/value: We see value in relating the issue of equity to interim teams and identifying challenges to its application by managers.
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Bibliogr. 49 poz.
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- University of Zielona Gora,
- Technical University of Kosice,
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