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Software architecture is an important development artefact, with substantial influence over the quality of a software system. This monograph presents the state of the art in modelling and evaluating software architectures, which are two closely related research areas influencing each other. Three main approaches to architectural modelling have been covered, i.e. models of software structure, architectural decisions, and models of architecture description. Semi-formal models, such as block diagrams models, UML, SysML and Archimate, are mainly used for modelling software structure. Architectural decisions capture the rationale underlying a given architectural design and the logic of the architecting process. The most important models for documenting architectural decisions have been discussed and compared: textual models, a comprehensive, flagship model by Zimmerman et al. extended with decision-making support, as well as the author's Maps of Architectural Decisions model, which has been tailored to the needs of documenting the evolution of rapidly and unpredictably evolving systems. Architectural patterns and tactics, which are closely related to architectural decisions, are also covered by this survey. The System Organisation Pattern is the author's proposition for the effective representation of top-level architecture of large-scale distributed systems, combining concepts of architectural patterns and architectural decisions. The models of architectural description focus on organizing architectural information according to the stakeholders' concerns, captured by viewpoints. The monograph covers the most important developments in this area, i.e. ISO 42010:2011 standards, Kruchten's 4+1 views, Zachman's framework and recent developments regarding viewpoints. Architecture evaluation methods have evolved alongside architectural modelling. A new taxonomy of architecture evaluation methods, based on the method's applicability has been introduced, and two basic paradigms of architecture evaluation have been identified, Eighteen state-of-the-art architecture evaluation methods have been characterised according to a uniform description scheme. The Early Architecture Evaluation Methods, developed for the evaluation of large-scale system architectures at the inception stage of development, being the author's contribution to the research on architectural evaluation, was included in this survey. Such a comprehensive survey of architecture evaluation methods enabled the state of the art to be analysed, and a further research Outlook to be drawn up.
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