Warianty tytułu
Wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw biomasy
Języki publikacji
The purpose of this article is to analysis of logistics processes in the supply chain related to the supply of biomass for energy purposes and an attempt to assess them in terms of effectiveness and efficiency of their operation. The authors are looking for the answers to questions concerning the improvement of delivery processes in the context of environmental impact, taking into account the environmental effectiveness, economic and market conditions.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza procesów logistycznych w łańcuchu dostaw związanych z dostarczaniem biomasy dla celów energetycznych i wskazanie kierunków ich oceny pod względem skuteczności i efektywności działania. Autorzy poszukują odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące poprawy procesów dostawczych biomasy w kontekście oddziaływania na środowisko, z uwzględnieniem uwarunkowań środowiskowych, ekonomicznych i rynkowych.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 31 poz., rys., tab.
- Military University of Technology Faculty of Logistics Institute of Logistics, dorota.krupnik@wat.edu.pl
- Military University of Technology Faculty of Logistics Institute of Logistics, szymon.mitkow@wat.edu.pl
- One author's book publications:
- 1. Bocian J. (2012), Analysis of the demand for forest biomass in the perspective of 2020, the materials of the conference "forest biomass", Łagów.
- 2. Górnik P. (2012), Energy from waste as an important element to improve the country's energy security. Fortum Power and Heat Poland, p. 6.
- 3. Grecka K. Implementation of the quality assurance system in accordance with DIN EN 15234 for example OPEC-BIO Sp. o.o. Baltic Energy Conservation Agency.
- 4. Postrzednik S. (2014). The calorific value of the parameter suitability of biomass energy, Energy, pp. 573-578.
- 5. Węcław-Solny L. (2012) Reducing CO emissions in the energy sector, Ecomanager 5, p. 26.
- 6. Wójcik Z. (2012), The importance of biomass and other renewable energy resources, Problems of agricultural engineering, no. 4 (78), pp. 5-13.
- Book publications of many authors:
- 1. Geeraerts K, Illes A, Schweizer J.P. (2015). Illegal shipment of e-waste from the EU. London: IEEP.
- 2. Jóźwiak A., Świderski A., Zelkowski J.: Aspekty modelowania oceny jakości sieci dostaw branży spożywczej. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej. Prace naukowe – transport, z. 111, Warszawa 2016, s. 227-240.
- 3. Osiak J., Dwórznik M. System storage, distribution and sale of biomass. Publication cofinanced by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Amicus Society.
- 4. Szyszlak-Bargłowicz J., Zając G., Słowik T. (2014), Supply chain of biomass for energy purposes, Logistics, no. 6, pp. 354-358.
- 5. Ściążko M., Zuwała J., Pronobis M. (2007). Co-firing of biomass and alternative fuels in the energy sector, Publisher IChPW and the Silesian University of Technology, Zabrze Gliwice.
- Book publications edited:
- 1.Szostak A. (2013), Wood products source of woody biomass for energy purposes. ed. P. Golos and A. Kaliszewski, IBL.
- Articles in the journal:
- 1. Niedziółka I., Szpryngiel M., (2014), Possibilities of using biomass for energy purposes, Inżynieria Rolnicza, nr 1(149), 155-164.
- 2. Wielgosz K., Gontarczykm., Zelkowski j., (2015), Ensuring supply security in case of catastrophic supply chain disruption, Systemy Logistyczne Wojsk, nr 42, 237-247.
- 3. Pawlisiak M.,(2015), The meaning and interpretation of the concept of logistics in the context of the functioning of the system of logistics enterprises, Systemy Logistyczne Wojsk, nr 43, 106-119.
- Papers
- 1.Andrighetto, N., Oliver Cupit O., Alessandro Leonardi A., (2013), Biomass bulbs. How to ensure responsible investment in woody biomass, Fondazione Culturale Responsabilita Etica, and Comercio Para el Desarrollo, As part of the PRICE project, 1-25,
- Institutional reports:
- 1. Energy from renewable sources in 2014, (2014), Report GUS, Warsaw.
- 2. The National Authentication System Biomas,(2013), Systems Support Department. Energy Regulatory Office, Warsaw.
- 3. Energy (2016), GUS, Warsaw.
- 4. Energy Policy until 2050, MG, version 05, pp. 1-57, Warsaw.
- 5. RES Renewable energy sources (2013), Collective work ed U. Gołębiowska, Koszalin.
- 6. PN-EN 15234-1(2012), Solid biofuels. Quality assurance. Part 1:General requirements, PKN, Warsaw.
- 7. Success through cooperation. Tools support the development of biomass used for energy purposes (2011), Forest. Development of effective rules in the supply of biomass, Gdańsk.
- 8. Conclusions from the analysis of forecasting the needs of the Polish Energy Policy until 2050 (2015), Annex 2 to the Polish Energy Policy until 2050, MG, Warsaw.
- 9. Logistics management in the renewable energy sector, e-course, Elompres LDV Transfer of Innovation Lifelong Learning, iSpring Suite 8.1 bsw.edu.pl.
- Regulations:
- 1. Decision 2002/1600 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 July 2002 laying down the Sixth Community Environment Action Program [Dz. Urz. WE L 242 z 10.09.2002, s. 1].
- 2. Directive of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2009/72/EC of 13 July 2009. Concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/ EC (Acts. Office. EU. L. 211, 14.08.2009, p . 55).
- 3. Directive of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2009/28/EC of 23 April 2009. On the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC (Acts. Office. EU L 140, 05/06/2009, p. 16).
- 4. Assessment of implementation of the Polish Energy Policy until 2030,( 2015), Annex 1 to the Polish.
- 5. Energy Law, Acts. U. of 2012. Item. 1059, as amended. d.
- 6. The Polish Energy Policy until 2030 (2009), Annex to Resolution No. 202, The Council of Ministers of 10 November 2009, MG, Warsaw.
Typ dokumentu
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