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2022 | Vol. 15, no. 2 | 157--167
Tytuł artykułu

Issues of biodegradable components in municipal solid waste: short overview of the problem and its possible solution in Ukraine

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Języki publikacji
The paper focuses on the problem of biodegradable waste in municipal solid waste in Ukraine. More then 60% of the total municipal solid waste mass in Ukraine is biodegradable waste. At present, this waste group is almost completely dumped on waste disposal sites and landfills that lead to “resource value” loss and to environmental problems. The work presents a classification of the group of biodegradable waste in municipal solid waste as well as quantitative characteristics of the group and the results of data variability analysis. Methane emission and disruption of the natural cycles of nutrients, in particular carbon, are considered as the environmental problems, related to such waste disposal on the waste dumps. Based on the biodegradable waste classification, the main possible ways of the problem solution that will help to achieve a “zero waste” goal for this group are presented. Efficient use of such waste as recyclable material resources is possible in case of easily-decomposed organic waste separation at the waste generation moment.

Opis fizyczny
Bibligr. 28 poz.
  • PhD, Associate Prof.; Faculty of Nature Protection, Department of Environmental Science and Environmental Protection, Odessa State Environmental University, 15 Lvivska Street, Odessa, Ukraine,
  • DSc, Prof.; Head of the Dep., Faculty of Nature Protection, Department of Environmental Science and Environmental Protection, Odessa State Environmental University, 15 Lvivska Street, Odessa, Ukraine
  • PhD, Associate Prof.; Faculty of Nature Protection, Department of Environmental Science and Environmental Protection, Odessa State Environmental University, 15 Lvivska Street, Odessa, Ukraine
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