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Geodetic and Geodynamic Programmes of the CEI (9 Symposium; 25-30.03.2001; Nice, France)
Języki publikacji
After four years of work within the framework of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC)461 "Strong Earthquakes: A Challenge for Geosciences and Civil Engineering", funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), this paper presents some results from the geodetic subproject B1 called "Threedimensional Platekinematics in Romania". This project was installed to detect borders of the geotectonic plates in Romania, to quantify the moving rates and to determine the deformations of each geotectonic unit. These aims will be accomplished by reapeated GPS-measurements in a network which has been installed in 1997 and expanded in 1999. The present network consists of 35 stations covering an area of 300 x 380 km with theVrancea region in its centre. The geodetic frame is given by six stations of the CEGRN (Central European GPS Geodynamic Refererence Network) of the CEI-Initiative CERGOP and the new ITRF permanent station in Bukarest. Three GPS campaigns were carried out in summer 1997, 1998 and 2000. The main focus of this paper is to present the achieved results and accuracies of the GPS-campaigns, to expose strategies for different ways of deformation analyses with their pros and contras and to give first impressions of deformations in the Vrancea region.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz., schem., tab.
- Geodätisches Institut, Universität Karlsruhe
- Geodätisches Institut, Universität Karlsruhe
- Geodätisches Institut, Universität Karlsruhe
- Geodätisches Institut, Universität Karlsruhe
- 1. Becker M., Ghiţău D., Marcu C., Radulescu F., Reinhard E., Rosca V., Rus T. and H. Seeger (1998): Plate Kinematic Studies in Romania using GPS. Reports on Geodesy 9(3), 89-103, Warsaw, Poland.
- 2. Brockmann E. (1996): Combination of Solutions for Geodetic and Geodynamic Applications of the Global Positioning System (GPS). Ph. D. Thesis, Astronomical Institute, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland.
- 3. Dinter G. and G. Schmitt (1999): Three Dimensional Plate Kinematics in Romania. Reports on Geodesy 4(45), 37-49, Warsaw, Poland.
- 4. Nkuite G. (1998): Ausgleichung mit singulürer Varianzkovarianzmatrix am Beispiel der geometrischen Deformationsanalyse. DGK, Report C 501, Munich, Germany.
- 5. Sandulescu M. (1984): Geotectonica Romaniei. Editura Tehnica, Bucarest, 336, Romania.
- 6. Welsch W. (1985): Kinematische Netzbetrachtung. In: Pelzer H. (Ed.): Geodätische Netze in der Landes- und Ingenieurvermessung II, 751-777. Konrad Wittwer Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.
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