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The main objective of Work Package 7 (WP7) was modelling of the regional intraplate three-dimensional velocities at the millimetre level on the basis of GPS satellite observations. Subsequently it was anticipated to use the GPS velocity filed for detection of velocity changes and for strain analysis in the region of Central Europe. This analysis has to be completed by evaluation of statistical significance of the derived velocities and strain parameters. All relevant information has to be visualised and to result to geo-kinematical maps of Central Europe describing the geometrically derived velocities and crust deformations. Inputs to WP7 are permanent and epoch GPS long-term observations in the region of Central Europe, east Alpine-Mediterranean and Balkan. The main information is expected from CERGOP epoch campaigns because their complexity, station distribution and long observing history. The permanent GPS stations in the region are analyzed within Work-Package WP5 "GPS data analysis and the definition of reference frames" (Hefty, 2006) and WP6 "Analysis of long term coordinate time series" (Caporali et al., 2006). Velocities from some new stations established within the CERGP-2/environment are estimated in section 2.6 of this report.
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Bibliogr. 24 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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