T. 9, nr 2
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The standardization of the molecular probe technique for carbonaceous adsorbents microporous structure evaluation
Języki publikacji
Adsorbenty węglowe od wielu lat znajdują szerokie zastosowanie w procesach ochrony środowiska. Ich popularność wynika zarówno z chemicznych, jak i fizycznych właściwości. Znajomość podstawowych właściwości tych adsorbentów otwiera nowe możliwości ich stosowania. Znanych jest wiele metod badania struktury porowatej, jednakże czas oraz koszt wykonywania oznaczeń mają duży wpływ na wybór danej metody. Prostym sposobem badania struktury mikroporowatej jest metoda sond molekularnych, oparta na pomiarach gęstości z użyciem mediów piknometrycznych o różnych rozmiarach cząsteczek. W pracy badaniom poddano dwa rodzaje adsorbentów węglowych: węglowe sita molekularne oraz węgle aktywne. Analiza otrzymanych wyników umożliwia wybór odpowiednich mediów piknometrycznych dla danego rodzaju materiału.
Carbonaceous adsorbents have had a wide application in many environment protection processes for many years. The high applicability of carbonaceous adsorbents is an effect of both their chemical and physical properties. The knowledge of the basic properties of these adsorbents opens new opportunities of its application. However, before using, their properties have to be done. There is a number of known methods (adsorption measurement, mercury porosimetry, densymetric measurement, microscopy, X-ray methods) of making a description of porous materials structure, however the time and price seem to be the most important factors determining the choice of an analytical method. The simple way to estimate the microporous structure is the molecular probe technique consisting mainly in the measurement of the density using displacement molecules with different sizes of their effective diameter. The measurements were carried out with the use of special construction pycnometers.Two kinds of adsorbents have been investigated: carbon molecular sieves and active carbons. In previous papers it was found that the measurements based on displacement of fluids with different molecular sizes (helium, water, benzene, methanol, tetrachloromethane, decaline) enabled characterization of the micropore structure of carbonaceous adsorbents. The analysis of the results in this work allows us to select these pycnometric fluids which are not suitable for individual kind of materials. We have found that the applying of methane as a pycnometric fluid causes that the values of density are too high to be used to calculation of pore volume. The benzene molecules having a specific shape give incoherent results. Both methane and benzene are not good molecular probes for carbonaceous materials. Water was found as a suitable pycnometric fluid only for carbon molecular sieves. The using of helium, tetrachloromethane and decaline enables us to calculate micropores volume within the range corresponding to the size of molecules of the applied pycnometric fluids. Finally, it could be said that the molecular probe technique is better in the case of the investigation of carbon molecular sieves microporous structure than active carbons. The researches cause the standardization of the molecular probe technique.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 11 poz.
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