T. 8, nr 2
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The principal parameters of water quality deterioration in distribution system
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Omówiono główne wskaźniki zanieczyszczenia wody wodociągowej w systemie jej dystrybucji. Biorąc pod uwagę wartości indeksów Langeliera i Ryznara, odpowiednio 56,7 i 100% próbek wody wprowadzanej do sieci wodociągowej charakteryzowało się brakiem stabilności chemicznej. Kontakt wody o właściwościach korozyjnych z osadami zgromadzonymi na wewnętrznych powierzchniach rurociągów sprzyjał ich rozpuszczaniu i uwalnianiu zanieczyszczeń do przepływającej wody. Wśród uwalnianych zanieczyszczeń dominowały związki żelaza, a w szczególności jego nierozpuszczone formy, a wiec produkty korozji żeliwnych i stalowych rurociagów, z którymi woda kontaktuje się podczas transportu do odbiorców.
The problem of secondary contamination of chemically unstable water in distribution system is presented. The probes of the water were collected from the surface water plant and twelve bib-clocks. The bib-clocks were selected basing on various criteria, (e.g. their distances from the plant were in range of 2.4+16.5 km). Physicochemical parameters of the water probes showed high level of pollution in the distribution system. The level of pollution was independent on the distance of the bib-clocks from the plant. The average water partition for the bibclocks was between 0.333 and 95.667 m3/d. The quality of the tap water distributed to receivers depends not only on its physicochemical and bacteriological parameters defined at the moment of water was pumped to the network, but also on physical, chemical and biological processes that take place in the water distribution system. The main source of the observed changes was the presence of incrustations deposited inside the pipelines. The incrustations were released and directly influenced on the quality of the water. The predominated pollution was composed of iron: products of corrosion of cast iron and steel pipelines. Changes in the amount of the water collected from the bib-clock influenced, first of all, on the level of contamination of the water by total iron (Fetot), including mainly insoluble iron and the substances that cause turbidity (T) and colour (C) of the water. As a consequence of higher concentration of total iron and mainly insoluble iron, turbidity of the water increased. The increase in the intensity of water colour was caused by releasing bigger amount of compounds of iron(III). Among the released pollution, colloids and suspended solids are found to dominate, and that is why the water pollution level is proportional to the concentration of insoluble iron. It is found that the rise in the tap water consumption is a reason of higher water flow velocity. As a result the pollution is washed away from internal surfaces of the pipes into water. Water stagnation in water pipes at the night-time also increases the level of water secondary contamination.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 11 poz.
- Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Inżynierii Ochrony Środowiska, ul. Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław
- Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Inżynierii Ochrony Środowiska, ul. Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław
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